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  • Writer's pictureAudrey Jovanska

Comparing Home Learning With Other Countries

Home learning is one of the changes that have occurred due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Especially for students and teachers. This home learning experience would've never happened

without the start of the pandemic that keeps dragging on. And now, it has been a part of our lifestyle. In Indonesia especially, the increase in positive cases of COVID-19 continues. As a result, most of the schools in Indonesia are yet to be opened for classes. In exchange, schools have started Home Learning (HL). Otherwise, many students will be forced to stop their education. Kēpō feels that Indonesia's education system overall is quite good, but needs improvement. That is why Kēpō has done an interview with a student from France to know the education system differences between the two countries during the pandemic and to see what could possibly be improvised.

His name is Jean Péguilhan, a student from ‘Campus La Salle Saint Cristophe‘ and he is going to guide us to understand more about the difference between Indonesia’s and France’s education system. Here in our beloved IPEKA Tomang, online classes are held on every subject until 15.15 pm at most and sometimes we get asynchronous learning, which is self-study time. But, In France, the teacher will give you some homework or assignments for the day. The students are taught to manage their own time and do what they need to do first before they can relax or play. Sometimes, students will have online meetings with the teachers to help so teachers can monitor the student’s work and help them if they have any problem with the assignments. In Indonesia, we focus more on our studies while in France, they prioritize what the students have learned and their progress throughout the year.

And for Jean himself, he prefers HL to on site although many of his classmates think differently. He finds that HL is more interesting and fun. On the other hand, studying offline is stricter. During home learning, the teacher will give them homeworks to do and they can decide by themselves when they will do it. And at school they must finish the assignments as the class finishes. Every homework or assignment they do whilst in HL will affect their final grade. However, homework given offline is just an exercise and will not affect your grades.

Here are some of the pros and cons of HL system according to Jean :

Pros :

  • Students become more independent, since they’re forced to learn how to manage their time.

  • Students feel more responsible towards their obligations.

  • They can move more quickly through assignments and subjects they understand, and spend more time on topics that are challenging.

  • Learning to work with others in a virtual environment can make students more effective as a leader.

  • Online learning facilitates the ability to think critically about what students do every day.

Cons :

  • Bad internet connections can have a negative impact on the learning process.

  • Not all students can manage their time and end up failing classes

  • Teachers also find it hard to control the progress of their students

But, there are some things that we can do to make home-learning more fun. Teachers can try to make the class activities more engaging. For Jean, he finds English class the most fun and engaging class out of all. The teacher makes them work in groups, and talk in pairs. He also thinks that we could have classroom games, so that the students wouldn’t be bored. It’s overall a win-win situation, teachers can easily explain to the class, and students will be more focused on what they’re doing.

We hope this article can help you understand the differences between Indonesia’s and France’s learning system better. See you next time Kēpōers!


Penulis : Audrey Jovanska

Editor : Evelyn C, Tamara F, Jessica A, Christy A

Sumber :

K, Zumar Awwabul. 2021. "Selama Pandemi Banyak Anak Putus sekolah, Ini 5 Datanya!".

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